Teller Rifles History image
In November of 2017 a few of us got together and formed the Cripple Creek Marksmanship and Self-Defense Group.

In April of 2018 we had our first community meeting at Ralfs Breakroom in Cripple creek with about 25 in attendance. Our second meeting, in September of that year, was again at Ralfs with about 35. Our next was at the CC-V High School in February of 2019 and that time we had about 45 attended for a hearty pizza dinner catered by Ralfs.

Our growth and evolution have been slow but steady. For instance, our name: after we started off as a Cripple Creek-centric group, the addition of members from other parts of Teller County caused us to change our name to Teller County Marksmanship and Self-Defense Group. After struggling with this mouthful for a few years we decided to simply become the Teller Rifles.

Our slow-but-steady growth approach has also been evidenced in our annual gathering to shoot our weapons and enjoy our company. Our 1st Fall Shoot-Fest, at the Grainger ranch, had six Rifles in attendance and the 2nd had eight. This, our third year, we had twelve.

The growth in interest in Teller Rifles is also evidenced by our email list, now 498, of which approximately 410 are in Teller County. (It should be noted that we have members as far away as New Jersey, the Carolinas, California, New Jersey, Australia, and Brazil. Some have expressed interest in starting their own Rifles.)

As opposed to being the typical gun/shooting club, we always envisioned ourselves as a training and informational venue. To this end we have had an RSO (Range Safety Officer) certification class (2019); 4, Stop-the-Bleed classes (2020/21); and Situational Awareness training (2021); and a Handgun Introduction class and an Active-Shooter training session in (December 2021).

We are recognized as a non-profit organization by both the State of Colorado and the IRS. We are neither just a shooting club nor are we a radical political organization. We are a community of marksmanship and self-defense enthusiasts made up of strong men and strong women ready to face today’s adversity and challenges.

Our philosophy is stated in our motto, Rights - Respect - Rifles, and can be summarized as:

· Insist on Your 2A Rights
· Insist on Your Honor
· Insist on Your Dignity
· Insist on Your Liberty

· For the Law
· For All Others
· For Property
· For Your Weapons

· Know Your Weapon
· Know How to Use It
· Know When to Use It
· Know Yourself

Who are We?

We are the original Rifles started in 2017 in Teller County, Colorado.
We presently number approximately four hundred and ten and are a group of shooting enthusiasts with extensive military and law enforcement experience who wanted to band together to encourage a greater appreciation and use of firearms in our community while emphasizing education and training.

What are We?

Teller Rifles is neither just a shooting club nor are we a radical political organization. We are a community of marksmanship and self-defense enthusiasts made up of strong men and strong women ready to face adversity and challenge.

What is Our Purpose?

We are committed to improving the wellbeing and safety of our Communities, our States, and the Nation. We have organized to implement activities that have two overarching goals: first, to provide skills-based training to improve an owner’s ability to utilize firearms safely and effectively and second, to create a culture of respect and responsibility for the use and ownership of firearms.

2020/21 has shown us that what was normal yesterday may not be tomorrow. We are in a time of pandemic and widespread social unrest in a rapidly changing environment. In times like these, we may only have each other to rely on. TR’s is a great place to get to know each other and start to build and strengthen a community of like-minded folks who can form a dependable alliance sharing and pooling resources and risk.

Find a sense of community. Join friends and neighbors.

Want to become more involved in the growth and evolution of Teller Rifles? Our board meetings are held monthly and are open to members. Email if you'd like to attend.

Know somebody you think would be interested in becoming one of us? Forward this, tell them to email us, and we'll add them to our list.
It doesn't cost a thing to become a Rifle.

Teller Rifles website:
Teller Rifles email: