It turns out that there is a COVID-19 side effect that won’t hurt you. In fact, it may save your life. Since the nation shut down in March 2020 as the coronavirus crisis hit, 10 states have cleared the way for citizens to carry handguns.


The NSSF’s Mark Oliva tells TTAG that . . . Anecdotal reports of reports of increased interest in firearm purchases following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine proved to be true as we saw background check figures for firearm sales increase by more than 300,000 from February’s adjusted figure of 1,352,105 to March’s 1,669,578. That continues the streak of more than 1 million background checks for the sale of a firearm for 32 months. These figures show month-after-month that Americans, by the millions, don’t just speak about the value of their Second Amendment rights. They act on it.


PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Police are investigating after a would-be robber was shot and killed Wednesday in North Philadelphia. Officials say a male suspect pulled a gun and tried to rob the store on the 1400 block of Master Street around 12:30 p.m. That's when a customer, who has a license to carry, reportedly shot the suspect twice in the abdomen. The suspect died from his injuries at the hospital.


We’ve all heard stories — on a monthly basis, if not more often — about alleged “studies” that allegedly show that if we just pass a few more gun control measures, we can finally turn the tide on the criminal misuse of firearms. Various big gun control groups love to tout these studies to support their baseless claims that more commonsense restrictions on law-abiding citizens’ rights will make the difference where thousands of other gun control laws have failed.


Having a plan in place, even if it isn't perfect, is a lot better than making it up on the spot when lives are on the line.


From the early days of Annie Oakley shooting the ashes off cigarettes in the mouths of wild west show volunteers and Calamity Jane gunslinging and scouting on the early frontier through the decades to today’s world-renowned women competitive shooters for Team USA, women have held an integral and rightful place in the industry supporting Americans’ Second Amendment rights.What’s more is that women are leading the charge in growing and diversifying the gun-owning community in America by the millions.


Concealed carry permit applications are up 600 percent in Philadelphia as law-abiding residents respond to violent crime by arming themselves. Breitbart News reported that a concealed carry permit holder shot and killed an alleged robber around lunchtime Wednesday in a Philadelphia corner store.


Article provided by The Truth About Guns - The “typical” gun owner is often characterized by many bigoted non-gun-owners as a right wing, redneck, beer-guzzling, low IQ Neanderthal who is just itchin’ to pull the trigger. But times have changed, and now a whole lot of those non-gun-owners – who used to be dismissive of guns and gun owners — truly need a firearm, whether you’re a Pabst or an Armand de Brignac Blanc de Blanc kind of person. That’s because now, it might be a matter of life or death.


LAS VEGAS, NV – A Las Vegas woman called 9-1-1 to report a break in at her home. Dispatchers could hear the sound of glass breaking over the phone. [...] She was armed with a handgun. Her ex saw that she was armed and left, only to return a few minutes later with a gun of his own. Once again, he entered the home uninvited and threatened the new current boyfriend, holding his gun to his head.It was at that moment that the homeowner fired a single shot at her ex-boyfriend, striking and killing him.


Safety was the theme of the day with emphasis placed on using a firearm for self-defense as a tool of LAST RESORT. According to instructors Bob and Randy, "The best way to win an argument is to avoid it in the first place." On the other hand, if an assailant is posing threat of immediate danger or bodily harm, the instructors advised us "do not submit!"


Does your home state have an official firearm? If not, what should it be?


Teller County, Colorado boasts the top eighth position for gun ownership per county in the United States.